Lalit K Jha

All stories by Lalit K Jha

US unlikely to see full economic recovery: Fed chairman

US unlikely to see full economic recovery: Fed chairman

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

A full economic recovery is unlikely until people are confident that it's safe to resume their normal activities, US' central bank chief Jerome Powell has said, noting that all Americans can play a role in the nation's response to the coronavirus pandemic by wearing masks and following social distancing guidelines. The US has so far recorded 9,606,645 coronavirus cases and 1,232,516 deaths due to the disease -- both the figures highest in the world.

Will easily win election if only 'legal votes' are counted: Trump

Will easily win election if only 'legal votes' are counted: Trump

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

The US president mentioned that there was no "big blue wave" (Democrats) as pollsters had predicted, instead, there was a "big red wave" (Republicans).

US polls generated highest voter turnout rate in 120 years

US polls generated highest voter turnout rate in 120 years

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

The November 3 election saw a record voter turnout of 66.9 per cent, which is the highest turnout rate since 1900. The 1900 election had recorded 73.7 per cent voter turnout

Democracy sometimes messy, requires little patience: Biden

Democracy sometimes messy, requires little patience: Biden

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

Biden also urged Americans to stay calm and wait patiently while every vote is being counted. Biden is just shy of reaching the magic figure of 270 and win the race to the White House.

Trump campaign loses lawsuits in Michigan, Georgia

Trump campaign loses lawsuits in Michigan, Georgia

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

In Michigan, the campaign had sought to stop counting of absentee ballots, while in Georgia it had alleged that even improper ballots were being counted. In Georgia, Judge James F Bass dismissed the lawsuit.

Trump threatens to file suits in all states won by Biden

Trump threatens to file suits in all states won by Biden

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

Nevada is the fourth State where the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit. United States President Donald Trump, who has 214 votes so far, has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and demanded recounting of votes in Wisconsin.

Trump wins first legal battle in Pennsylvania

Trump wins first legal battle in Pennsylvania

Rediff.com6 Nov 2020

'Big legal win in Pennsylvania,' Trump said in a tweet soon after the court gave the ruling. Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, but his vote count has reduced considerably over the last one day.

Biden on cusp of making history, Trump has narrow path

Biden on cusp of making history, Trump has narrow path

Rediff.com5 Nov 2020

As per projections made by major media outlets, Biden has 264 electoral college votes, just six votes short of the magical number of 270 out of 538 required to win the presidency. However, for news outlets like CNN, Biden has 253 electoral college votes as it has still not called Arizona, which has 11 votes and counting of votes continued.

No winner yet in tense US presidential race

No winner yet in tense US presidential race

Rediff.com5 Nov 2020

After the latest projections in Wisconsin, Biden has 253 electoral college votes as against Trump's 213, making it much difficult for the President to win the polls. The winner of the 2020 presidential election should have at least 270 Electoral College votes out of the 538-member electoral college.

Trump, Biden teams gear up for legal battle in US Supreme Court

Trump, Biden teams gear up for legal battle in US Supreme Court

Rediff.com4 Nov 2020

The race for the White House appears to be headed towards an uncharted territory with the Trump and Biden campaigns gearing up for a protracted legal battle in the US Supreme Court as the election results in some of the key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan still being counted.

Trump claims election 'fraud; says he's going to court

Trump claims election 'fraud; says he's going to court

Rediff.com4 Nov 2020

As far as I'm concerned, we already have won it, Trump said.

Samosa caucus: 4 Indian-American lawmakers re-elected

Samosa caucus: 4 Indian-American lawmakers re-elected

Rediff.com4 Nov 2020

The Indian-American community has emerged as a force to reckon with for the first time in the history of the US presidential election.

Trump or Biden? America votes to elect 46th President

Trump or Biden? America votes to elect 46th President

Rediff.com4 Nov 2020

Amidst a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 100 million people have already cast their ballots in early voting, putting the country on course for its highest turnout in a century. Some 239 million people are eligible to vote this year.

US Prez polls: 10 crore Americans have already voted

US Prez polls: 10 crore Americans have already voted

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

An estimated 16 crore people casting their votes in a presidential election is a record in itself in terms of turnout after 1900, according to Michael P McDonald, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida, who leads the US Election Project that tracks early voting.

Trump or Biden, no change seen in India strategic ties

Trump or Biden, no change seen in India strategic ties

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

Irrespective of the outcome of Tuesday's keenly-contested US presidential election, America's strategic relationship with India is expected to maintain the current momentum and strengthen further, policy documents and remarks from the two campaigns indicate.

America can't afford 4 more years of Trump: Harris

America can't afford 4 more years of Trump: Harris

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

Harris alleged that Trump lied to American people on the coronavirus pandemic.

It's time for Trump to pack his bags and go home: Biden

It's time for Trump to pack his bags and go home: Biden

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

In his first of the two election speeches on the eve of the November 3 elections, Biden asserted that he has a plan to successfully fight against COVD-19 if voted to power.

US presidential elections headed for a tight finish: Polls

US presidential elections headed for a tight finish: Polls

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

Biden's lead has shrunk over the last few days, as Trump and his family have virtually carpet bombed the key battle ground states, including as many as 15 rallies by the president.

Will declare COVID plan on day 1 of presidency: Biden

Will declare COVID plan on day 1 of presidency: Biden

Rediff.com2 Nov 2020

The 77-year-old Democratic leader urged people to vote out US President Donald Trump, saying it is time for Trump to pack his bags and go home.

Trump denies report that he would declare poll victory early

Trump denies report that he would declare poll victory early

Rediff.com2 Nov 2020

The US president hinted that he is gearing up for a legal battle post the election.

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